Thursday, May 23, 2019

Life in space

Image result for universe
          I believe that there is life somewhere in the universe besides earth.  The universe in infinitely large and that creates and absolutely small chance that there is not life somewhere else in the universe. If there is life on earth, why shouldn't there be life somewhere else. I do not believe they have contacted earth or even possibly discovered earth, but there is life out there.
          The Elements and molecules on earth appear all over the universe. There are also a multitude of planets in the habitable zone around stars. Everything that made our planet here was a big game of chance, but the universe in infinitely large so it is near impossible that the same conditions here on earth do not appear elsewhere.
           Even in our small part of our (relatively) small galaxie, we have found so many habitable exoplanets about the same age as us. There is still the rest of the galaxy too. And even then, there are millions of other galaxies and nebulas out there. There is no way that we are alone in this universe when even so close to us, there are so many possibilities.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Weekly Blog (5/5/19) Seasons

Image result for seasons earthSummary:
The seasons on earth are caused by the earth axis being tilted and the revolving around the sun. When it is at a different position around the sun (as shown in the diagram)the different hemispheres will get more or less direct sunlight. The earth is tilted at approximately 23.5 degrees and if it was more, then our seasons would be more extreme. If it was less, then our seasons would be less extreme.
This week we used online gizmo simulators to explore how season work and how direct sunlight changes the temperatures on earth.

This is cause and effect because the earth's tilt and revolving around the earth causes seasons and for it to get hotter and colder in different positions around the sun.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Re-do Blog (4/11/19) Water Conservation

Image result for water conservationSummary:
All over the world people are running out of water due to people using way to much water. It's not like we are running out of water on earth, but we using water faster than our environment can replenish. We are using up fossil water supplies like aquifers and they will soon be empty. We have to cut back on our use so that the environment can replenish our supply at the same rate or more than we use it.

 I recognized patterns in data and see relationships between variables. For example, I observed that in Mexico City, they are using too much water from underground, causing their city to sink. That aquifer took a long time to fill and is taking a relatively short time to empty.

The more water we use, they less water we will have available. Eventually, if we keep up our water usage habits, we might run out of these aquifer reserves and have to find a better source of water.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

weekly blog (3/31/19) Analog Vs. Digital

Image result for analog vs digitalSummary:
Analog is anything that works mechanically with moving parts and doesn't require programing. Digital requires programing and is not as physical. There are different benefits of both and many different purposes to chose one.

I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand concepts by creating graphs to represent different sampling rates of digital recordings. This helped me understand how recording on a digital interface works. We didn't do the same for analog since we already know how that works.

There are two sides to this, Digital and Analog. There would be issues and reasons to choose both sides.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Project Blog (3/24/19)

We created a musical instrument for this project. The instrument is very similar to a ukulele in looks but there are many differences. The first, minor, difference is that ours has 3 strings in order of lowest- highest and ukuleles have 4 strings in a different order. But that is just a minor difference; ours also produces sound in a different way. The strings are not necessarily to pieces of the instrument that directly vibrates the air and creates sound. Instead, when you pluck the string, it vibrates against the small cardboard piece on the base kind of like a snare drum. This grossly amplifies the sound since it shakes the whole instrument made of cardboard which is hollow so that helps too. It also makes the instrument have a whole new sound that I have not heard in anything else.

I do a lot of music related activities so I already knew a lot about this subject. I do mostly percussion instruments so I have spent time observing how it worked and how it vibrated. When percussion instrument you can see it vibrating and sometimes feel the vibrations when you put your have near a cymbal soon after you hit it.

I do like this piece of work in general. I really like how I used the idea of how a snare drum works to produce lots of sound, which is not used ever in string instruments. But I don't particularly like how it looks. It looks far too much like a ukulele which would make it un-original. Even if I had no say how it looked because of my partners. But another thing I don't like is the surface of the top cardboard and how ripped up it is.

We simultaneously did our work similar and different than others. Multiple other groups had a similar idea with the shape of a guitar/ukulele just with different takes on it. But what was unique is our take on it as I mentioned earlier with the rubberband buzzing on the cardboard.

I would like to improve upon making it look nicer since it looks kind of scrappy due to the fact that we had many iterations. I would also like to have teammates that knew kind of what music was and how it worked or at least admitted that they didn't really know and didn't take over everything until the very end when I had figure out how to make it actually work.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Vibrations of the inner ear (3/3/19)

Very loud music or any loud noise is very harmful to your hearing. When your ear is exposed to sound, your eardrum vibrates and after a few steps with the hammer and the anvil. There are nerve endings in your middle ear the send signals to your brain to process it as sound. But when I sound is too loud, those sensitive nerve endings start to die and cause problems such as hearing loss and tinnitus. If it is really loud, then your ear drum has a chance of rupturing.