Saturday, September 26, 2015

9/26/15 weekly blog (Lysosomes)




         This week in science class I learned about lysosomes. The lysosomes are like trash picker-upers. The lysosome float around and digest all the dead organelles and particles. The lysosome is made up of a membrane and digestive enzymes. Many scientists wonder about how the lysosome does not digest it's self or the whole cell.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


       Cells are tiny building blocks almost. Cells are the foundation of all living organisms. An average person has about 100Trillion cells in their body. There are two main types of cells in this world. Plant cells and Animal cells. Animal cells are used to build animals/non stationary organisms. Plant cells are used to build plants/stationary organisms.

Animal Cells

     Animal cells are round and

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

9/1/15 weekly blog "The A.C.E. strategy"


 A              C             E  

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                                               e                                                                 a
                                               r                                                                  i
         Yesterday in science we learned about the ACE strategy. ACE stands for Answer questions completely and truthfully, Cite by explaining or proving how you know the answer, Explain by extending your response by EXPLAINING the information that you cited and the answer or make it clear that you know the answer using the evidence.