Monday, January 18, 2016

weeklyblog (1/18/16) M&Ms


This week we got m&ms and put it in water then we watched the layers disappear.
The first layer was the colored shell then that dissolved into the white sugar layer then that dissolved into the chocolate, which was brown. this took about 2 minutes.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Project Blog (11/1/16) Weather broad cast


        In this project I learned a lot about tornados and droughts I learned that tornados are formed by winds of 5mph 1000ft above surface then 25mph winds 5000ft above ground then that forms a funnel cloud then once that touches the ground that forms a tornado.

       If I could do this project again I would speak louder in the films and put a voice over for the on the scene film about the tornado.

       Over all I think this project tuned out well.