Sunday, May 22, 2016

weekly blog(5/22/16) Nutrition

     This week, we learned how it is important to balance different things you eat to keep a healthy diet. This picture shows how much of each food group you need each day. This is important because without balanced nutrition you could get way to much of one thing and now enough of another then you could get unhealthy.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly blog(5/15/16)Food waste

     This week in class we learned how food is thrown away in every step from the farm to your mouth. Every group of people in our class chose, we chose potatoes(as seen above). First they are grown, then they are harvested with a big machine and the machine could crush the potatoes and the farmers don't harvest all of them most of the time, then they are washed were they could get bruised and gross, then they are sorted weird from the normal, then they are stored (as seen in the picture) and they could get crushed or if they get stored in the wrong temperature they could rot,then they get delivered, then they are in the store and if they don't get chosen right away they get thrown away, then they go to your house were you might not eat all of them and they will get old and you will throw them away.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

weekly blog (5/6/16) Trash to treasure

This week in class we were supposed to take some stuff we were going to throw away then turn it into something useful. I made a set of drums out of used cans, a balloon, a jar, and lids for stuff.