Friday, October 28, 2016

Project Blog(10/28/16) Adaptations

     I learned that all animals are adapted, even if it is their behavior. Did you know foxes hunt at night so they could sneak up on their prey while they sleep? There fur is also supposed to be like the trees in winter.

     Before this project I thought adaptations were just structural, I always thought that the behavioral adaptations were just instinkts.

     I am proud of how this piece of work ended up. I liked how my poster is just organized and I can read very easily.

     I thing I did my work differently because other people just scatted facts around their picture, but I kept it organized. and labeled the type of adaptation and grouped them all together

     I thing I could Improve the color choice on the writing, and maybe I could try find some not so general behavioral adaptations.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

weekly blog(10/23/16)temperate forest

Image result for temperate forest

This week every one chose a biome to study the life for. I chose temperate forest. We spent this week researching what lives there and I found the the Red Fox lives the and for a plant, the Magnolia tree.

Friday, October 14, 2016

weekly blog (10/16/16) Osmosis and Diffusion

Image result for osmosis diagram

     This week in class we learned about Osmosis (above /\) and Diffusion (below \/). Osmosis I when you have a semipermeable layer and on one side is water and the other side is a solution of some sort so the water from the pure side crosses over a dilutes the solution. Diffusion is how Particles spread out from areas of high density to areas of low density,  making it spread out evenly. We spend most of this week researching.
Image result for Diffusion diagram