Friday, April 28, 2017

Weekly Blog(4/28/17) The mystery of the dieing fish

     This week in science class we learned how air pollutants can cause acid rain, how some minerals can mellow out the acidity, that chlorine kills fish, and that sediment can kill fish.

     This weeks S&EP is conducting investigations. We conducted investigations by reading information to try to figure out what is killing the fish. I have gotten closer toward mastery of this subject by getting a lot better at taking notes.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Weekly blog(4/7/17)How global warming dangers humans

Image result for how does global warming affect humans
     This week in class, we split into groups for how global warming affects different sectors of earth. My group got human health. I learned that global warming (which is caused by air pollution which also causes lung disease and asthma) also effects temperatures of water water, which might sound nice until you hear that mosquitoes lay eggs in warm water, and as you may have heard, mosquitoes can spread some very bad illnesses. Water pollution is another thing that global warming causes. It causes water pollution because it causes floods and rain, and that results in dirty runoff into our water supply.

     This week's SE&P is that we we communicated information. We communicated information by doing lot's of research and taking notes then showing them to our groups and answering questions. This week I got closer to mastery in this area by knowing whats important and what's not.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Weekly Blog(3/31/17) Carbon cycle

Image result for the carbon cycle

     This week in class, we learned about the Carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is how carbon cycles around and travels through organisms, earth, air, and water.

     The SE&P is that we used models. We used models because we labeled carbon levels in air over the past hundred years and put it on a wall to show how the carbon levels in the air went up.