Friday, February 16, 2018

Project Blog (2/16/18) Invasive Species

          In this project we chose to learn about an Invasive species or Endangered species. I chose to learn about an Invasive species. An invasive species is a species that was taken to a new place and then there was nothing to eat it so it's population exploded. These species are usualy dangerous to the natives. Sometimes these natives become endangered. Endangered species are when there are not many of that population left.
          Before this, all I knew about the Ice plant was that it is Invasive. I had no idea that the Ice plant was edible. I also have no idea that it was from south africa. I did not know that it could grow so fast. I learned that it was sometimes brought to stabilize railroads.

          I am very happy about this piece of work. I liked how we had the dioramas to show how the ice plant came. I also liked how we had a live specimen. I did not like how fragile the spinning part was. This because it was made out of legos.

          What I did differenty is that I did not make a digital model. My process was similar because I mosyly followed the rubric. I would give myself a B on the project. This is because I missed some minor points on the model. These included soem items on the checklist.

           What I would improve is not thinking I'm done before I am. This set me back and I almost did not cite my sources. When I look at the peice, I would like to improve upon how unstable the spinning mechanism was. I would look more closely at the rubric. This would help me with detail.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Weekly Blog (2/9/18) Ice Plant

Image result for Ice plant
          The Carpobrotus Edulis or more commonly known as the Ice plant (shown left) is very invasive to California. It grows very fast. It is mostly found in beaches, highway exit dirt islands, and around railroads. It was brought to America when people wanted to build quickly on beaches and railroads. The ice plants would stabilize the ground around the buildings and railroads. But now it has spread and become almost uncontrollable. It is edible to most animals, but they don't really like it's taste I guess. It is also perfectly edible for humans and the latin word Edulis (part of it's name) directly translates to eatable. 

Image result for Plants vs zombies ice plant
          I did lots of research about the plant and learned many things. Those things include; where the ice plant comes from, that it crowds out other plants, and that it is edible, etc. This shows how not all plants are necessarily good for the environment. I am also planning on trying to eat some of it because it is "eatable". I did a LOT of research to make sure that it is NOT dangerous for humans. I did not find any side effects of eating it but apparently it is best pickled.

          This impacts of  Ice plant in the Americas is Cause and Effect. This is because you plant it, it spreads rapidly and kills other plants. There are several special eradication programs to try and get rid of this awful plant such as the California Native Plant Society. When they do they're work, there are less horrible Ice plant in California. So hopefully we can one day get rid of ice plant (shown in first picture).

Friday, February 2, 2018

Weekly Blog (2/2/18) Symbiosis

Image result for symbiosis
          Symbiosis is when two different organisms interact with each other in a positive or negative way. There are different types of symbiosis. There is Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism (shown in picture) is when both organism benefit. Commensalism is when one organism benefits, and the other one doesn't care. Parasitism is when one organism benefits, and the other is harmed.

           I identified my variables and controls of an ecosystem, which were the number of predators and prey. To do this, we used a program. In the program we chose how many of each animal. This brought me closer to mastery because now I understand better how ecosystems are balanced. You have to have an amount of predators so that the prey does not over populate, but also so they are not over hunted.

            The relationship between animals is cause and effect. If there are two many predators the prey will die. If there are not enough predators, the prey overpopulates. Also, in mutualism, if one species is not there, the other suffers. In parasitism, if there is no animals to feed the parasites, the parasites die.