Friday, March 30, 2018

Project Blog(3/30/18)Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl

Image result for popocatepetl and iztaccihuatl
In the myth, iztaccihuatl and popocatepetl are gods and lovers. Popocatepetl is an aztec warrior. Iztaccihuatl is a princess. One day she hears that he has been slain in battle and was so sad that she killed herself. When popocatepetl found out, he was very angry and turned into a volcano. She is now a mountain.

Before this project, I had no idea that these existed. Much less how to say them. THe process we went through to get this was that we originally madea 3d model of popocatepetl out of clay. But that was way too small and it looked nothing like that volcano in specific. So then we had to draw it out on a piece of poster paper. Then we colored it with water color and it is very pretty(in my opinion).

I really like how this project turned out and think that it is very pretty. I like how the colors make it look majestic. But I don't like that we couldn't have a 3d model like we would have had if we had more time. I found it frustrating when I told my group to make a cardboard frame so the volcano could be bigger. But they just made a tiny lump of clay in the shape of clay in the shape of a generic volcano. The reason I did not just do it was because they said they would because I was going to their house later for final touches because I could not make it early like everyone else.

We did our work differently because we we drew it instead of making a 3d model, I won't explain again. One thing I would like people  to notice is the water color we used on it and how it gave the mountain a majestic feel. I would give this project a B+ because it is not a 3d model like it was supposed to be. When my classmates look at it, they notice that it is a drawing. When someone looks at it I want them to nice that we will not give up because our 3d model didn't work so we had to try something else.

          If I would do this again, I would be there for the beginning stages. I would make a cardboard frame. Then cover it in paper mache. Then I would install a pvc pipe in the middle. Finally I would paint it like the beautiful popocatepetl volcano. Then I could explode it with baking soda. vinegar, and red food dye.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Weekly Blog (3/25/18) Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl

 Image result for popocatepetl
Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl and a pair of mountains in mexico. Iztaccihuatl is an active volcano and Iztaccihuatl is a flat mountain. The ancient myth behind these two is that Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl were gods and lovers. Then one day Princess Iztaccihuatl heard that Popocatepetl had died. So she killed herself. Then Popocatepetl found her dead body and was very enraged and blew up like the volcano he is today. To read more about this you can read this article:
I used models to demonstrate the explosion of Popocatepetl to. My group is building a volcano model popocatepetl. This helps me closer to mastery because now I understand more about building models.

In the myth, when someone dies you get angry. This is cause and effect. Also, when subduction occurs, it creates volcanoes. Another thing is that in ancient culture, if people don't understand something (like volcanoes) they make a myth explaining the story behind it. This can help people be less afraid because people are afraid of what they don't understand.

Friday, March 9, 2018

weekly blog(3/9/18)Plate tectonics.

Image result for plate tectonics
           Tectonic plates are the plates that cover the earth. The plates may feel stable, but they're in constant movement. These plates expand and contract on each other. First, when an continental plate meets an oceanic plate, the heavier oceanic plate sinks under the light continental plate and melts back into the mantle. This is subduction. Subduction creates pressure in the magma and that pressure is released in near by volcanoes. There are also many other things that can happen. When two continental crust collide it creates mountains. When two oceanic plates pull apart, it makes stuff like the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

          To demonstrate the plate tectonics we learned, we used; frosting, fruit roll ups, and gram crackers. The frosting was representing the mantle, the fruit roll ups where the thin, dense oceanic plates, and the graham crackers were the light continental crust. We demonstrated the making of ridges by putting the fruit roll ups on the "mantle" and spreading them apart. Then we showed subduction by putting the FRU (fruit roll up) next to the graham cracker and pushing them together so that the FRU was pushed under like subduction. Then we pushed two wet graham crackers together to make a mountain. And finally earthquakes. We simulated this by having two DRY graham crackers rub against each other.

          It is cause and effect when convection currents under the crust in the mantle cause the crust plates to move. When they move all these other things happen that I told you about. Some of these (like volcanoes) cause life to grow. Now we are using geothermal energy and harming the mantle. That's a different story.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Weekly blog(3/2/18) Layers of the earth

Image result for physical layers of the earth
          There are two different types of layers on the earth: The Compositional layers and the Physical layer (aka Mechanical layers). The compositional layers are composed of The crust, Mantle, and Core. The physical layers consist of  the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, and inner core. The compositional layers (in my opinion) are easier to remember and that is why we learn them first. But the Physical layers directly describe what that layer is like. 

           I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I took starburst and cut it up to simulate weathering. Then I took the "sediment" and squished it into sedimentary rock. Then I put it in a bag and added heat and pressure to make it like marble. From there I melted it. Then when it hardened it was like igneous rock. This was to simulate the rock cycle.

          I believe than it is cause and effect because plates turn and press and that creates earth quakes and mountains and fissures. Earthquakes can also cause volcanic eruptions because some earthquakes are caused by magma not tectonic plates, and those might cause volcanic eruptions.