Monday, December 24, 2018

Project Blog (12/20/18) Charity Fair

  Charity fair is an event where we research a charity and what it does. Then we make a product and a ignite presentation to try to advertise our charity. Then the top few groups get a share of the money earned on charity fair donated to the charity that they campaigned for. We always raise a lot of money on the night of charity fair selling the products with the board that we worked on for the past few days.

Before this started I knew that shootings were a big problem in the US but I didn't know how much we could do about it. I thought that the only way to prevent these shootings was to make guns or at least semi-automatic weapons. But there are so many other things you can do, since we aren't really getting anywhere with law against guns. There a ways to be alarmed if someone has the symptoms that they might do a shooting and give them mental help and support that they need.

I feel like the whole project, in the end, turned out pretty good. Our final presentation of the ignite presentation on charity fair night actually turned out good. Our board looked good too. But I felt like we could have had another product that people would have been more happy to buy.


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Weekly Blog (12/16/18) Speed vs Velocity

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          Speed is how fast something is moving. Nothing to do with direction or how it is moving just the pure, well, speed. Velocity is speed and direction with mass.

          We put cars down a track and measured the time it took different cars to get to the end. We also watched a lot of videos explaining these different functions and what is the difference. This helped me toward mastery because it helped me understand how speed is a lot more general and velocity is speed and direction.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Weekly blog (12/8/18) Motion

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          Motion is the process of moving something from one place to another. There are different types of motion. One of these is relative motion which is motion in relativity to something else. If you are walking, you are moving in relativity to the sidewalk. If you are lying down you are staying still in relativity to the bed and earth. But you ARE moving in relativity to the sun the the rest of the cosmos. Moving is all about relativity. Everything is moving from galaxies flying through space and unbelievable speeds to the atoms vibrating inside of us. But a lot of things just appear to be stationary around us because we are moving with them.
          I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I graphed people's motions to figure out their displacement vs distance they traveled. This helped me understand the difference between displacement and distance traveled.

          Everything that has matter has some sort of energy. It is nearly impossible to have matter with no energy in it. This is why everything is moving. If something has energy, it's molecules and atoms will be vibrating. Everything is always moving.