Thursday, May 23, 2019

Life in space

Image result for universe
          I believe that there is life somewhere in the universe besides earth.  The universe in infinitely large and that creates and absolutely small chance that there is not life somewhere else in the universe. If there is life on earth, why shouldn't there be life somewhere else. I do not believe they have contacted earth or even possibly discovered earth, but there is life out there.
          The Elements and molecules on earth appear all over the universe. There are also a multitude of planets in the habitable zone around stars. Everything that made our planet here was a big game of chance, but the universe in infinitely large so it is near impossible that the same conditions here on earth do not appear elsewhere.
           Even in our small part of our (relatively) small galaxie, we have found so many habitable exoplanets about the same age as us. There is still the rest of the galaxy too. And even then, there are millions of other galaxies and nebulas out there. There is no way that we are alone in this universe when even so close to us, there are so many possibilities.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Weekly Blog (5/5/19) Seasons

Image result for seasons earthSummary:
The seasons on earth are caused by the earth axis being tilted and the revolving around the sun. When it is at a different position around the sun (as shown in the diagram)the different hemispheres will get more or less direct sunlight. The earth is tilted at approximately 23.5 degrees and if it was more, then our seasons would be more extreme. If it was less, then our seasons would be less extreme.
This week we used online gizmo simulators to explore how season work and how direct sunlight changes the temperatures on earth.

This is cause and effect because the earth's tilt and revolving around the earth causes seasons and for it to get hotter and colder in different positions around the sun.