Sunday, February 28, 2016

weekly blog (2/28/16) Atoms

     This week in class we learned about atoms. All atoms have electron(s), proton(s), and neutrons(every atom but hydrogen). The protons have a positive charge, the electrons have a negative charge, and the neutrons, of course, have a neutral charge. If an atom has more protons than neutrons, like this image, it is radioactive. This is a beryllium atom, number four in the periodic table, it is in the same family as radium. The periodic number is the number of protons.
     In class we did a project where we had to do a baby book of a certain atom, mine was ununseptium. The baby book was like those books where you write down the new born infants name, length, weight, and you show a picture of what the baby looks like.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Weekly blog(2/14/16)

     This  week in class we learned about the chemical properties of atoms and how they chemically react to each other. This image shows the periodic table of elements. Elements are substances with only one type of atom not a combination of atoms to make compounds. Compounds have certain mixtures of atoms. Elements do not have compounds, they have molecules which unlike compounds have only one type of atom. Water is has compounds. One compound has multiple molecules.
     Have you ever wondered what H2O Meant. The "H" stands for hydrogen. The "O" stand for oxygen. Finally the little "2" stands for the amount of hydrogen molecules. Since there is only one oxygen molecule there is no number for it. H2O, Water.
     If you see an element it will only say N (nitrogen) or I (iodine).

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly blog(2/7/16) Matter

      This week in class we about what matter is. Matter is almost anything that you can smell, feel, or see.
      All matter has mass and volume. Mass is how much matter is in something and volume is how big something is. For example, air has a very low amount of mass compare to it's volume. But ice has a quite large amount mass compared to volume. liquid is middle of them both.

Monday, February 1, 2016

weekly blog (2/1/16) States of Matter


     This week in science we learned about the states of matter. The states of matter are the different ways specific materials can be, depending on how warm or cold they are.
     The three states of matter are: Solid(has definite shape, color, mass, and volume), liquid(Has definite color, mass, and volume. But does not have definite shape), and gas (has no definite shape, color, mass(depending on heat), and volume). Those are the three states of matter.