Sunday, February 28, 2016

weekly blog (2/28/16) Atoms

     This week in class we learned about atoms. All atoms have electron(s), proton(s), and neutrons(every atom but hydrogen). The protons have a positive charge, the electrons have a negative charge, and the neutrons, of course, have a neutral charge. If an atom has more protons than neutrons, like this image, it is radioactive. This is a beryllium atom, number four in the periodic table, it is in the same family as radium. The periodic number is the number of protons.
     In class we did a project where we had to do a baby book of a certain atom, mine was ununseptium. The baby book was like those books where you write down the new born infants name, length, weight, and you show a picture of what the baby looks like.

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