Thursday, January 26, 2017

Weekly Blog(1/27/17) Organ systems

Image result for diagram of skinThis week in class we learned about organ systems because we drew our super villain in normal mode and a nefarious/evil mode. We also had to draw all his organ systems that changed and how it benefits him.

     For my S&EP we used models (our drawing) to represent the organ systems and how they changed. We also wrote descriptions for each drawing. I am getting better at drawing detailed drawing to model stuff. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Weekly blog (1/13/17) GMOs

Image result for GMOs

     This week in class we wrote an origin story for our super heros and we wrote if they were a GMO or a mutation. I learned what the difference was between GMOs and mutations. A GMO is if something happens during life and a mutation is when it happens before life.
     We also learned that not all gmos are bad! A lot of people are scared of them but most of the time they aren't bad, a lot of them are actually just adding nutrients.
     This week the S&EP was we used models aka our origin story because we wrote what happened for that GMO or mutation to happen. So this helped me by letting me more deeply understand how mutations and GMOs work.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Genetics vocabulary quiz

A.  Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms.

B.The physical appearance of an organism as distinguished from genetic makeup - what the organism looks like.

C. One or more alternative forms of a gene.

D.A genotype consisting of two identical alleles, also called purebred

E.A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid

F.Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms.

G.The particular the combination of alleles for a particular gene.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Weekly blog(1/5/17) Healthy lifstyles

Image result for balanced food plate

     This week in class, we learned how to be healthy. It is always Important to eat healthy. That means having a balanced meal so instead of eat a bunch of junk food and a few vegetables; you should switch that around and eat more healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables and only a little bit of junk food if any at all. That includes fried food, sugary stuff, and super salty food. This Picture is showing what a balanced meals would look like.
     For the S&EP we used models to demonstrate what could happen if you don't eat healthy, sleep a good amount, or have a lot of stress. For these models we used the pictures we drew of a superhero child and drew them as an adult with these problems.