Thursday, February 16, 2017

Weekly blog(2/16/17) Transferring energy

Image result for transferring heat
     This week in class we learned about how heat aka thermal energy transfers from object to object and what the different ways they travel are called. If  the thermal energy travels through direct contact like if you touch a pan and it's hot that is called conduction. If you see that water is boiling and rapidly moving around, that is convection. And If you go outside on a hot summer day and feel the warmth of the sun on you skin, that is radiation! Radiation is when heat travels through electromagnetic waves in the air.

     For my S&EP this week, we constructed models by making diagrams on paper about the three types of heat transfer. This helped me understand how heat transferred because if I write down, I have to know the facts very well.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Project Blog(2/9/17)Genetics

     In this project we learned a LOT about genetics. There are many different types of genetics. There are Mendelian genetics and Non-Mendelian Genetics.

     Before we started, I did not know much. All I knew was the basic Mendelian Genetics and I had no idea what it was called or the details about it.

     I feel like I did a good job with my work and am proud of my drawings except on my villain drawing I should have made both drawings face the same way.

     I think I did my project differently than most other people because everyone set up their poster differently and had completely different characters except the original superhero's were all based on animals.

     If I would do this again I would try harder on the hands and feet of my Epigenetics drawing.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Weekly blog (2/3/17)

Dna, Science, Biology, Research, Molecule, Medical
    This week in class we made posters for all of our drawings and papers we made. The difference between GMO and a mutation is that a mutation happened naturally as the organism was developing and a gmo unnaturally.

     The S&EP this week is we constructed models my making posters that show the genetics in the of my characters.