Thursday, December 14, 2017

Charity Fair project blog

Suicide is a huge problem in the world and in some states it is twice as common as homicide. Charity fair is a huge project we do once a year where we do research on charities that we are passionate about and make a product that is related to the charity in some way. At the Charity fair we sell our products for a profit and the money goes to the charity that the group with the best pitch chose. The Charity I chose was the American Foundation for suicide prevention. This charity has a lifeline that people can call when they are in need of help. They also conduct research and spread awareness of the issue and try to end it overall.

  Before this project I did not know much about this subject, I knew it was very bad and needed to stop but I did not know quite how common it was. And it is very common. I did the same project last year. But the only difference was that I did a charity about animals like everyone else. Over time I have gotten better at this project because every year I understand more and more what to do.

I feel like I did a good job on this piece of work. I really like how we worked together to create a design for the game board and I think it turned out very good. I did not really like how long it took to make each game. To make all the games it took about 3 1/2 hours. For me it was satisfying to see the pile of finished games grow and grow.

  I think I did things different than other people. Instead of doing a charity about animals I did my project on another topic that is less popular to research. The things I did the same as other people is we did all the things we had to do. I would give this piece of work a B because I think a did a pretty good job, but there were quite a bit of things that weren't that great. When people look at my work, I want them to notice how much work I put into all of it.

One thing I would improve on is maybe spending more time on the project so that I could have fixed some of the bad things.

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