Sunday, September 30, 2018

Weekly Blog(9/30/18) Earth through the years.

Image result for eras of the earth
The earth has been around a long time. This times has been divided up into the different types of life. First there was the Hadean Eon. This eon is not on the chart on the left because the Hadean eon supported no life and has no rock left on earth to observe. Next was the Archean Eon. In this time, the earth had cooled, and the first bacteria/algae had formed and started to produce oxygen. Next was the Proterozoic Eon. Multi-celled organisms started to form and there where more of them. Next was the Cambrian Period/Explosion. Life was rapidly evolving. There where many trilobites. For the rest of the Paleozoic era things slowed down but there was a mass extinction at the end of the ordovician period and the first brains popped up during the Mississippian Period. Next was the Mesozoic Era. At this time things started to get big. This is when most of the dinosaurs we know romed pangea. Next is the Cenozoic Era in this era a lot of the animals we know. Humans only started to appear at the end of this era and mammoths went extinct. 

I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I got with a group and made a poster where we each had to write about a different era. Mine was the Archean Eon. There was not much to write about the archean eon because there was near no atmosphere and there where only single celled organisms. But I think it
Image result for archean eonmust have been very beautiful (besides the fact that sunsets/rises were boring and you would die instantly on the surface). This is because there would be crystals covering earth like in the picture. It would be like a cave without being underground.

I guess this would all be stability and change. This is because things are always changing and there is nothing we can do about it. Things will always keep on moving. Nothing will ever be the same forever.

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