Saturday, November 24, 2018

Project blog(11/24/18) evolution

Image result for narwhal

          There are many types of animals. They have not always been how they are today. But things will also change in the future. And sometimes you just think two animals can combine to make something cool and powerful. But sometimes those things can actually be functional cool animals.

          Before this project I knew that evolution was a process that happened naturally that changed a species over time. While working on this project some difficulties included deciding which traits made it to the final species. I ended up solving this by choosing some of the traits that are most prominent and "cool" to add to the final species.While working on this piece I also had to find all my information about these two individual species to combine them and come up with something that worked.

          I generally like this piece of work in the end. I think the final product ended up conveying our original vision. I don't like how our creature looks a little unbalanced and awkward. It was satisfying to finish with a piece of work that generally looks like our plans without too much changing.

Outward- Looking
          One thing my group did differently from everyone else is that we only combined two species to make our hybrid. But we did it similar in the sense that we still combined multiple species to make a hybrid. One thing I would like people to notice while looking at this piece of work is that we put a lot of work into making the creature look nice along with the habitat around it.

Image result for andean condor
          If I could do this project again one thing I would do differently is I would incorporate more of the bird into our creature so that it looks less like a narwhal with wings and a beak. I would have liked to make it's features more birdlike. One thing I would like to try that my classmates did is see what would happen if I added more creatures to the mix. Even if that is what makes ours unique.

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