Friday, December 9, 2016

Charity Fair Project Blog

20161130_162633.jpgI learned about what charities do with their money and how many problems are in this world that there are charities for.

     Before this project I knew that quite a few charities existed but not this many.

     I thought I did a pretty good job with this project. I sold quite a few items at the fair.

    I think I did the project pretty much the same as everyone else. The only thing I did different is make something not sweet that animals can eat too.

     Next times do this project I think I will practice my ignite presentation more.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekly blog(12/2/16)Genetics

     This week in class we learned about more about genetics. I learned that dna is made of four chemicals A= Adenine T=Thymine C=Cytosine G=Guanine. A only partners with T (and vis-versa), and C only partners with G (and vis-versa).  Dna is in the form of a double helix/ double spiral so it can fold up efficiently.

     We mostly communicated information with each other and watched videos about this topic.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Genetics vocabulary quiz

A.  Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms.

B.The physical appearance of an organism as distinguished from genetic makeup - what the organism looks like.

C. One or more alternative forms of a gene.

D.A genotype consisting of two identical alleles, also called purebred

E.A genotype consisting of two different alleles, also called hybrid

F.Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms.

G.The particular the combination of alleles for a particular gene.

Monday, November 21, 2016

weekly blog (11/20/16) Genetics

Image result for dna
This week in class we learned about genetics. Dna makes genes and genes make chromosomes. We spent the week communicating data.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Weekly blog(11/12/16) Starfish

Image result for starfish anatomy\
This week in class we chose an animal with super powers. I chose starfish because they regenerate. I learned that they regenerate because in every arm the have a separate set of organs. We spent the week researching and communicating data.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


     Being an omnivore is the healthiest option. Being an omnivore is the healthiest option because meat provides almost all the nutrients you need in small servings, and we have an advantage being able to eat almost everything. It is so healthy for us because we have evolved to get as much nutrition out of meat as possible and we need the protein. That is why we like it so much!

     According to "7 Reasons Not to Avoid Meat", meat adds some vitamins and minerals that are crucial to our body but are hard or even impossible to find in vegetables. For example in 3.5 ounces of ground beef, you will find vitamin B12, B3, B6, zinc, selenium, iron, and many other vitamins and minerals. In contrast, some nutrients are even impossible to find in vegetables, such as B12 which is only found in animal products ("How Healthy is Vegetarianism...Really?").

     We have an advantage over herbivores and carnivores because we eat plants and meat. Humans have evolved over 2 million years to eat vegetables and meat. Meat also provides much needed high quality protein. That impossible to find in vegetables. Vegetables have only suboptimal protein.

     Some might argue that meat is unhealthy and increases risk of heart disease. But not all meat is bad. A lot of meat can be very lean and rich in nutrients. According to a recent study at Harvard University, unprocessed red meat and saturated fats have no effect on heart disease at all.

     Many may say vegetarian is much healthier, but that is just because vegetarians are usually more health conscious in general. We can be very healthy, and eat meat. We should eat what our bodies are meant to eat. We should take advantage of being omnivorous!


     Being an omnivore is the healthiest option. Being an omnivore is the healthiest option because meat provides almost all the nutrients you need in small servings, and we have an advantage being able to eat almost everything. It is so healthy for us because we have evolved to get as much nutrition out of meat as possible and we need the protein. That is why we like it so much!

     According to "7 Reasons Not to Avoid Meat", meat adds some vitamins and minerals that are crucial to our body but are hard or even impossible to find in vegetables. For example in 3.5 ounces of ground beef, you will find vitamin B12, B3, B6, zinc, selenium, iron, and many other vitamins and minerals. In contrast, some nutrients are even impossible to find in vegetables, such as B12 which is only found in animal products ("How Healthy is Vegetarianism...Really?").

     We have an advantage over herbivores and carnivores because we eat plants and meat. Humans have evolved over 2 million years to eat vegetables and meat. Meat also provides much needed high quality protein. That impossible to find in vegetables. Vegetables have only suboptimal protein.

     Some might argue that meat is unhealthy and increases risk of heart disease. But not all meat is bad. A lot of meat can be very lean and rich in nutrients. According to a recent study at Harvard University, unprocessed red meat and saturated fats have no effect on heart disease at all.

     Many may say vegetarian is much healthier, but that is just because vegetarians are usually more health conscious in general. We can be very healthy, and eat meat. We should eat what our bodies are meant to eat. We should take advantage of being omnivorous!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Project Blog(10/28/16) Adaptations

     I learned that all animals are adapted, even if it is their behavior. Did you know foxes hunt at night so they could sneak up on their prey while they sleep? There fur is also supposed to be like the trees in winter.

     Before this project I thought adaptations were just structural, I always thought that the behavioral adaptations were just instinkts.

     I am proud of how this piece of work ended up. I liked how my poster is just organized and I can read very easily.

     I thing I did my work differently because other people just scatted facts around their picture, but I kept it organized. and labeled the type of adaptation and grouped them all together

     I thing I could Improve the color choice on the writing, and maybe I could try find some not so general behavioral adaptations.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

weekly blog(10/23/16)temperate forest

Image result for temperate forest

This week every one chose a biome to study the life for. I chose temperate forest. We spent this week researching what lives there and I found the the Red Fox lives the and for a plant, the Magnolia tree.

Friday, October 14, 2016

weekly blog (10/16/16) Osmosis and Diffusion

Image result for osmosis diagram

     This week in class we learned about Osmosis (above /\) and Diffusion (below \/). Osmosis I when you have a semipermeable layer and on one side is water and the other side is a solution of some sort so the water from the pure side crosses over a dilutes the solution. Diffusion is how Particles spread out from areas of high density to areas of low density,  making it spread out evenly. We spend most of this week researching.
Image result for Diffusion diagram

Friday, September 30, 2016

Project Blog (9/30/16) Cell Organelles

Image result for Cell Membrane

     In  this project we chose a Cell Organelle then ran a campaign for President of Cell land, with it. We can Not vote for our selves either. I am Voting for Cell Membrane because they are like a siege for the cell. My project was on Chloroplast.

     When we started the Project, I did not know anything about what a chloroplast was now I know almost every thing their is to know!

     I think I did a pretty good job on the project overall, especially the poster. I also had a lot of fun making the campaign add and smearing people.

     I think if I were someone else looking at my project, I would learn that I am very hard working and likes to do things differently.

     If I did this again I would take my time and start much earlier on my poster and re pick the color choice.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Weekly blog(9/24/16) Cells

Image result for Cell
This week in class we did more research about cells and we made posters about different organelles in the cell (Mine is Chloroplast). This is a diagram of a plant cell. ^ above

Friday, September 9, 2016

Project blog (9/9/16) Scientific method cartoon

     This week we did a project where we made a cartoon about the scientific method, I learned how many steps are really in scientific method and how you can skip around through them for different projects.

     Before we started this project I thought there was a designated order in the scientific method and if you had to skip a step, your question was wrong. I also thought there was only 5 or 6 steps not 9 or 10.

     I used to think of this subject as this annoying rule that every one had to follow or else they were doing it wrong, now I know why it is so important to follow and how flexible it really is when you use it.

     If someone who had no idea who I was looked at this project, they would learn that I do not like to do what everyone else is doing I like to take it one step further and make mine look bigger, better, and fancier.

     If I could go back and do this piece over again I would go back and maybe add more boxes to make my story look more detailed.

Monday, September 5, 2016

weekly blog(9/4/16) soggiest cereal

     This week in class we did experiments and my group did an experiment on "does the type of cereal and the liquid it is in effect how soggy the cereal gets in 2 minutes". When we were done we shared our results with the class.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

weekly blog(5/22/16) Nutrition

     This week, we learned how it is important to balance different things you eat to keep a healthy diet. This picture shows how much of each food group you need each day. This is important because without balanced nutrition you could get way to much of one thing and now enough of another then you could get unhealthy.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly blog(5/15/16)Food waste

     This week in class we learned how food is thrown away in every step from the farm to your mouth. Every group of people in our class chose, we chose potatoes(as seen above). First they are grown, then they are harvested with a big machine and the machine could crush the potatoes and the farmers don't harvest all of them most of the time, then they are washed were they could get bruised and gross, then they are sorted weird from the normal, then they are stored (as seen in the picture) and they could get crushed or if they get stored in the wrong temperature they could rot,then they get delivered, then they are in the store and if they don't get chosen right away they get thrown away, then they go to your house were you might not eat all of them and they will get old and you will throw them away.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

weekly blog (5/6/16) Trash to treasure

This week in class we were supposed to take some stuff we were going to throw away then turn it into something useful. I made a set of drums out of used cans, a balloon, a jar, and lids for stuff.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekly blog (4/29/16) Trash

     This week in class we are supposed to make a useful product out of only things we are going to through away. So Far I have no idea what I'm making but I can't wait to make it. 
     Every day about 143,500,000lbs of trash are being thrown away and that trash just goes 
in piles all around the U.S., also a lot of the trash goes into the ocean killing see animals. And 
most of that trash can be recycled.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Weekly blog(4/8/16)Magnetic forces

This week in class we learned about magnetic forces. Magnetic forces are what makes magnets work. This picture is showing how all magnets have a north and south and how they react. (Opposites attract and likes repel). Those lines are how the magnetic forces would look if you could see it.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly Blog(3/27/16)Electricity current

     This week in class we learned about electricity current, what it is, and how it works. Electricity current is the flow of electrons through a light bulb's filament, for example.  The filament is a resister so that creates friction which as you know makes heat and if metal (or anything) gets hot enough, it glows.
     So this week in class we tested out certain safe circuits to see if they would work or not and why.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Weekly blog(3/19/16)electricity

     This week in class we learned in class we learned about the dangers of electricity, electricity is very dangerous, did you know that there is enough power in a home outlet to stop your heart? Well there is. To warn us about this my teacher, Mrs. Garcia, gave my class a bunch of stories of dangerous electricity situations. In this project I learned not to make short circuit and why.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Minerals (3/13/16)

Image result for obsidian
     This week in class we learned about minerals and how to identify them. We did a project where we had to study a certain mineral and write about it, I chose obsidian. Obsidian is an igneous rock (rock that forms from lava). Obsidian is made when lave meats water.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

weekly blog (2/28/16) Atoms

     This week in class we learned about atoms. All atoms have electron(s), proton(s), and neutrons(every atom but hydrogen). The protons have a positive charge, the electrons have a negative charge, and the neutrons, of course, have a neutral charge. If an atom has more protons than neutrons, like this image, it is radioactive. This is a beryllium atom, number four in the periodic table, it is in the same family as radium. The periodic number is the number of protons.
     In class we did a project where we had to do a baby book of a certain atom, mine was ununseptium. The baby book was like those books where you write down the new born infants name, length, weight, and you show a picture of what the baby looks like.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Weekly blog(2/14/16)

     This  week in class we learned about the chemical properties of atoms and how they chemically react to each other. This image shows the periodic table of elements. Elements are substances with only one type of atom not a combination of atoms to make compounds. Compounds have certain mixtures of atoms. Elements do not have compounds, they have molecules which unlike compounds have only one type of atom. Water is has compounds. One compound has multiple molecules.
     Have you ever wondered what H2O Meant. The "H" stands for hydrogen. The "O" stand for oxygen. Finally the little "2" stands for the amount of hydrogen molecules. Since there is only one oxygen molecule there is no number for it. H2O, Water.
     If you see an element it will only say N (nitrogen) or I (iodine).

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly blog(2/7/16) Matter

      This week in class we about what matter is. Matter is almost anything that you can smell, feel, or see.
      All matter has mass and volume. Mass is how much matter is in something and volume is how big something is. For example, air has a very low amount of mass compare to it's volume. But ice has a quite large amount mass compared to volume. liquid is middle of them both.

Monday, February 1, 2016

weekly blog (2/1/16) States of Matter


     This week in science we learned about the states of matter. The states of matter are the different ways specific materials can be, depending on how warm or cold they are.
     The three states of matter are: Solid(has definite shape, color, mass, and volume), liquid(Has definite color, mass, and volume. But does not have definite shape), and gas (has no definite shape, color, mass(depending on heat), and volume). Those are the three states of matter.

Monday, January 18, 2016

weeklyblog (1/18/16) M&Ms


This week we got m&ms and put it in water then we watched the layers disappear.
The first layer was the colored shell then that dissolved into the white sugar layer then that dissolved into the chocolate, which was brown. this took about 2 minutes.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Project Blog (11/1/16) Weather broad cast


        In this project I learned a lot about tornados and droughts I learned that tornados are formed by winds of 5mph 1000ft above surface then 25mph winds 5000ft above ground then that forms a funnel cloud then once that touches the ground that forms a tornado.

       If I could do this project again I would speak louder in the films and put a voice over for the on the scene film about the tornado.

       Over all I think this project tuned out well.