Friday, November 17, 2017

Project Blog(11/17/17)

          Ketchup is not that dangerous to plants. Baking soda is actually way more poisonous and that is what killed the plant.
          Before we did this, I thought that ketchup was dangerous to plants because there is vinegar in it. I decided that baking soda would neutralize it because it is a base, and vinegar is an acid. Yet, it turned out that there was not much vinegar in ketchup and the baking soda poisoned the plants.
          I am not that happy with this work because when we tried to fix the problem, all we did was create another problem.
          My project was different to other people's because I chose something that is different than cleaning supplies like windex and pure vinegar.
          One thing I wish I could improve upon is choosing a different neutralizer that was less poisonous.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

weekly blog(11/12/17)Vinegar

Image result for chemical formula of vinegar
          Vinegar is very harmful to plants. It is very acidic and that means that it can kill things. One way to neutralize it is with baking soda/sodium bicarbonate. It might look more dangerous, but that it is just the forming of non-hazardous chemicals like salt and water.
          This weeks's S&EP is asking questions and defining problems. I think that it is that because we asked "why is vinegar dangerous to plants?" and the problem is that vinegar is dangerous. This has brought me closer to mastery because now I understand that ketchup has vinegar in it.
           This week's XCC is cause and effect because, if you mix ketchup with a plant, it dies. And if you mix ketchup with baking soda, it is neutralized.
           This week I was a learner because I said, I want to know why ketchup is acidic.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly blog(11/5/17) pH scales

Image result for ph scale
      pH scales are a measurement of acidity or base in a liquid. Litmus paper is usually used to test pH levels because it turns into the colors above depending on how acidic it is. Acids are usually in sour things like lemons as shown above. Bases are usually in cleaning liquids like ammonia and bleach (don't mix those together!).
     This week the S&EP, I would say was that we conducted an investigation. We did this by mixing liquids of acids or bases together with indicators to show how acidic something is.
     This XCC is cause and affect. I think that it is cause and affect because it was, if you mix the liquid that we are tesing with the indicator liquid then it changes color and shows how acidic the liquid is.