Friday, January 26, 2018

Project Blog (1/26/18) Biogeochemical Cycles

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          In the project we made cartoons based off biogeochemical cycles. There are a lot of biogeochemical cycles on earth. Water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, and sulfur cycle. Mine was the water cycle. It turns out that there are a lot of steps involved and it is not as simple as it seems.

          Before the project I thought I knew everything about the water cycle. But, there is a lot more to it. Instead of it just being; Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff, Evaporation, there is also transpiration and infiltration. I also did not know that there were more cycles; carbon, nitrogen, etc. There are so many of cycles that I did not know about.

            I really liked my finished product of the cartoon. I really liked that the drawings were clear and neat. I did not like how I started coloring in marker and later switched to colored pencil. But, I found a way to make it work (kind of). I did not like this because it looks kind of uneven. I found it satisfying coloring and seeing my drawing start to pop and look nice.

         My approach was different because cartoon was circular instead of linear. I did this because it demonstrates how cycles go in circles. My process was similar because I did research, then drew the cartoon. If I were the teacher, I would say that the arrows in the middle of the circle are confusing. I would give this piece an A- because it has everything it is supposed to have but, it is slightly confusing.

          If I were to do this again, I would know my supplies so that half of my coloring isn't in marker. Next time, my goal would be to review all the guidelines before I start on the final draft. I would also have a clear plan before my final draft. One thing I would like to try that other people did, is neater hand writing. It was not all easy to read in my finished product.

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