Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekly Blog(1/19/18)Water Cycle

Image result for water cycle

          The water cycle is way more complicated than just the usual 4 steps: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. It also includes, infiltration and transpiration. Infiltratration is the process when the ground absorbs water. Transpiration is the process that is when a tree loses water through it's leaves and is pretty much just evaporation from a plant. Infiltration and transpiration connect because when infiltration happens, the plant absorbs the water out of the soil, then the plant brings the water to the leaves where they perform photosynthesis or the water evaporates and this is called transpiration.
Image result for water cycle

          I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I made a cartoon of the water cycle (aka Hydrologic Cycle). This helped me understand this concept better because I had to do research, to find the information I needed.  I drew a cartoon  that  helped me visualize the process more. For condensation I drew my character (a water droplet with a face) in a cloud. For precipitation I drew him falling and it was scared.

          I realized that the water cycle has a lot of cause and effect because if nothing evaporates, then there will be no condensation. Then with there being no condensation that means no precipitation. The sun makes water evaporate, and as I just said, the water cycle can not happen if there is a missing step. If there was no water cycle, then nothing would be alive because the water cycle includes water going into the soil and going into plants. We then eat the plants etc. food chain. So without the water cycle then nothing would live because nothing could get the water they need to survive.

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