Saturday, March 4, 2017

Weekly blog (3/4/17) Insulation Vs Conduction

Image result for Mug
     This week in class we learned about heat insulation and conduction. We our task was to create a mug using that holds 250 milliliters that keeps the liquid as warm as possible. I learned that polystyrene (Styrofoam) is a good insulator because it has billions of micro bubbles of air in it. I think learning about this had to do with global warming because air is a good insulator and that is how all that heat is staying on this planet and melting all the ice.

     This week S&EP is we demonstrated what we learned about heat transfer by making coffee cups that should keep the coffee as warm as possible by preventing conduction (when you touch the coffee cup and it's hot) and preventing convection (when you feel the warm steam coming off the top. I have gotten good at constructing models because I do it so much and even though it's always different, I learn something new.

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