Monday, December 24, 2018

Project Blog (12/20/18) Charity Fair

  Charity fair is an event where we research a charity and what it does. Then we make a product and a ignite presentation to try to advertise our charity. Then the top few groups get a share of the money earned on charity fair donated to the charity that they campaigned for. We always raise a lot of money on the night of charity fair selling the products with the board that we worked on for the past few days.

Before this started I knew that shootings were a big problem in the US but I didn't know how much we could do about it. I thought that the only way to prevent these shootings was to make guns or at least semi-automatic weapons. But there are so many other things you can do, since we aren't really getting anywhere with law against guns. There a ways to be alarmed if someone has the symptoms that they might do a shooting and give them mental help and support that they need.

I feel like the whole project, in the end, turned out pretty good. Our final presentation of the ignite presentation on charity fair night actually turned out good. Our board looked good too. But I felt like we could have had another product that people would have been more happy to buy.


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Weekly Blog (12/16/18) Speed vs Velocity

Image result for velocity
          Speed is how fast something is moving. Nothing to do with direction or how it is moving just the pure, well, speed. Velocity is speed and direction with mass.

          We put cars down a track and measured the time it took different cars to get to the end. We also watched a lot of videos explaining these different functions and what is the difference. This helped me toward mastery because it helped me understand how speed is a lot more general and velocity is speed and direction.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Weekly blog (12/8/18) Motion

Image result for motion*sOGYN3djYzO3Kcu-wMGtCg.jpeg
          Motion is the process of moving something from one place to another. There are different types of motion. One of these is relative motion which is motion in relativity to something else. If you are walking, you are moving in relativity to the sidewalk. If you are lying down you are staying still in relativity to the bed and earth. But you ARE moving in relativity to the sun the the rest of the cosmos. Moving is all about relativity. Everything is moving from galaxies flying through space and unbelievable speeds to the atoms vibrating inside of us. But a lot of things just appear to be stationary around us because we are moving with them.
          I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I graphed people's motions to figure out their displacement vs distance they traveled. This helped me understand the difference between displacement and distance traveled.

          Everything that has matter has some sort of energy. It is nearly impossible to have matter with no energy in it. This is why everything is moving. If something has energy, it's molecules and atoms will be vibrating. Everything is always moving.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Weekly Blog (11/30/18) Carbon Footprint

Image result for carbon footprint
          Transportation of almost any sorts (besides stuff like walking and riding your bike) puts extremely large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. After figuring out the carbon footprint of our product we found out how large of a number it really is. Yes, there are a lot of things being shipped at once so it ends up a much lower number but that is still such a large amount of pollutants overall. This is what is causing a lot of global warming.

          We made a model by plotting all the places that all the components in our product have been. Then we thought of what mode of transport was most likely used for that shipping. After that we calculated how much CO2 must have been produced for that journey. Then we added all that together to get our final carbon footprint. This showed us how much co2 out product produced to be made and shipped.

          The more of a demand there is for an item and the farther away it is the more Co2 is produced. And the more CO2 is produce the more the world heats up. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Project blog(11/24/18) evolution

Image result for narwhal

          There are many types of animals. They have not always been how they are today. But things will also change in the future. And sometimes you just think two animals can combine to make something cool and powerful. But sometimes those things can actually be functional cool animals.

          Before this project I knew that evolution was a process that happened naturally that changed a species over time. While working on this project some difficulties included deciding which traits made it to the final species. I ended up solving this by choosing some of the traits that are most prominent and "cool" to add to the final species.While working on this piece I also had to find all my information about these two individual species to combine them and come up with something that worked.

          I generally like this piece of work in the end. I think the final product ended up conveying our original vision. I don't like how our creature looks a little unbalanced and awkward. It was satisfying to finish with a piece of work that generally looks like our plans without too much changing.

Outward- Looking
          One thing my group did differently from everyone else is that we only combined two species to make our hybrid. But we did it similar in the sense that we still combined multiple species to make a hybrid. One thing I would like people to notice while looking at this piece of work is that we put a lot of work into making the creature look nice along with the habitat around it.

Image result for andean condor
          If I could do this project again one thing I would do differently is I would incorporate more of the bird into our creature so that it looks less like a narwhal with wings and a beak. I would have liked to make it's features more birdlike. One thing I would like to try that my classmates did is see what would happen if I added more creatures to the mix. Even if that is what makes ours unique.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Weekly Blog(11/4/18) Biodiversity

Image result for biodiversity
          Everything on earth is at least slightly different in their genetic makeup. Evolution happens when that genetic makeup in species changes over time. An increase in biodiversity in the world happens when a species drifts apart and branches off into two separate species. But there will never be two species on earth with the exact same genes besides twins and clones. Even then we are all different in little ways. Some people read a little too much into this though.
         I used tables, graphs, spreadsheets, etc. to display and analyze data in worksheets. We looked at charts to see what species are closer to each other and may have come from a common ancestor. This helps us see how everything came from a few of a certain animal or plant and branched off and evolved.
          Everything changes over time whether it's mutation or anything else. When things get separated they change over time in different ways because of their surroundings. It is and almost infinitely small chance that two things will be genetically the same unless they are twins. It is impossible in quantum physics to have two of the same thing in our universe. Everything in the universe just like life on earth came from one thing. The universe and everything came from a big mass that exploded as the big bang and turned into what we know now. All life on earth came from one or two bacteria that over time changed, spread and evolved into everything we know today.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Weekly Blog(10/28/18) Proving evolution

Image result for evolutionSummary
There are many ways to prove evolution. When you look back enough sometimes you see a species that looks very similar to two different today. This is comparative anatomy. You can also took for useless organs and body parts that may have once been used. As an example, whales have a bone that serves no use near where legs would be. And sure enough if you go back, there is a fossil that is pretty much a whale with legs.
I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I learned about the whale bones. Another example would be the appendix. We don't use it now and the most it might do is get infected.
All things change over time. Patterns occur and there is nothing we can do. Everything will always and has kept evolving and changing. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Weekly blog(10/21/18) Genetic drift

Image result for genetic drift
Genetic Drift is the process of how when a population gets split, they slowly differ more and more. They start the same and slowly they adapt to there different surroundings and events. In this picture, group 1 will most likely be more green than the other two.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Weekly Blog (10/14/18) Evolution

Image result for evolution
          Evolution is how species change over time through extinction of undesired traits and random mutations. One way that undesired trait disappear is survival of the fittest. That is the process on how the best traits continue and the worst traits die out.This process makes sure that the species as a whole gradually advances. The random mutations are the reason there are so many animals.


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Weekly Blog(9/30/18) Earth through the years.

Image result for eras of the earth
The earth has been around a long time. This times has been divided up into the different types of life. First there was the Hadean Eon. This eon is not on the chart on the left because the Hadean eon supported no life and has no rock left on earth to observe. Next was the Archean Eon. In this time, the earth had cooled, and the first bacteria/algae had formed and started to produce oxygen. Next was the Proterozoic Eon. Multi-celled organisms started to form and there where more of them. Next was the Cambrian Period/Explosion. Life was rapidly evolving. There where many trilobites. For the rest of the Paleozoic era things slowed down but there was a mass extinction at the end of the ordovician period and the first brains popped up during the Mississippian Period. Next was the Mesozoic Era. At this time things started to get big. This is when most of the dinosaurs we know romed pangea. Next is the Cenozoic Era in this era a lot of the animals we know. Humans only started to appear at the end of this era and mammoths went extinct. 

I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I got with a group and made a poster where we each had to write about a different era. Mine was the Archean Eon. There was not much to write about the archean eon because there was near no atmosphere and there where only single celled organisms. But I think it
Image result for archean eonmust have been very beautiful (besides the fact that sunsets/rises were boring and you would die instantly on the surface). This is because there would be crystals covering earth like in the picture. It would be like a cave without being underground.

I guess this would all be stability and change. This is because things are always changing and there is nothing we can do about it. Things will always keep on moving. Nothing will ever be the same forever.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekly Blog (9/23/18) Rock Cycle and Rock music

Image result for rock cycle
The rock cycle is the cycle that rocks go through to become Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic rocks, Igneous rocks, and everything in between. We didn't really learn anything different this week so I'm to talk about a new angle on what we learned last week. I'm going to talk about how the rock cycle (starting with magma) lines up with the evolution of rock music. First off, in the 60s the Beatles invented this new form of music that people were curious about and kickstarter this new genre of music and culture. This is when the magma hardens and first becomes a new, solid rock.  Next in the late 60s early 70s new bands started noticing what was happening and popping up everywhere. In 1970 the Beatles broke up and some of them made their own music. This is weathering and erosion because the rocks break apart and mix with other rocks, and coming from other places other than that one mountain/volcano. In the mid 70s everything changed. The music started evolving into more disco-ish music. This is like when it turns into sedimentary rock and becomes solid again but is very different than how it was before. In the 80s people started to make the rock music... well... a little harder and louder. The same thing happens with rocks when they go under heat and pressure and become a harder, different rock. The same thing happened even more so in the 90s. In the 2000s things started changing again and getting sad and just overall different. This is when the genre "modern rock" started to emerge in bands like Fall Out Boy. 
This when it changed into magma and the term rock became for liquid and not exact. Finally, some modern music exploded out of a volcano and uses samples of old music and a lot of songs from the 60s 70s and 80s are popular again. Other rock crystallized underground and continues to evolve like the Imagine Dragons album "evolve".

Image result for the beatles
 I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I made a small comic of a rock going through the rock cycle. To think of the cycle our rock goes through, we had an activity where we went to different tables that were labeled different places like "earth's interior" or "ocean" and we would roll a die to figure out where we were going next. This really helped us understand that not all rocks follow this same, structured cycle that most diagrams use. Sometimes rocks can become little dust particles in streams, the ocean, or even the air. I did not think about the fact that air is part of the rock cycle until I did this activity. It was also pretty fun.

          I think that this is patterns because everything follows a certain cycle or pattern. From rocks to rock music. I really have no idea if this is coincidence or not. Some things have much larger scale cycles, like the universe expanding and contracting. And other things are much small like an atom turning. All I know is that there are cycles everywhere whether we notice or not. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Weekly blog (9/13/18) Rock cycle

Image result for rock cycle
The cycle is the slow, infinite cycle that all rocks go through. There are three main forms of rocks in this cycle.First, Sedimentary rock; this rock is formed by the pressing and cementing together of sediments. This rock might have fossils in it and you can easily see the grains of sand or pieces in it like limestone and sandstone. It is sometimes brittle depending on its age. You can see the layers in this rock as seen on the grand canyon and similar formations. The second form of rock is Metamorphic rock; this rock is formed by a lot more heat and pressure being put on any of the other forms of rock. This forms a smooth rock like granite or marble that might have ribbon like layers in it if it is made from some types of sedimentary rock. The last main class of rocks is Igneous rock; this rock is formed when metamorphic rock is put under a lot of heat and melted into magma. Then the magma could crystallize into intrusive igneous rock under the ground, or extrusive igneous rock. More commonly known as (lava rock) Igneous rock is usualy glasslike and might have bubbles like pumice.
Image result for rock cycle
 I used models to explain and predict behaviors of systems, or test a design as I used starburst to represent the rock cycle. First we represented weathering by cutting up different colored starburst into small pieces. Then we mixed them up and and lightly mashed them together to represent sedimentary rock. You could still see the original forms, but it is stuck together. The we put the sedimentary rock into a ziplock bag and applied heat and pressure from our hands until it was flat. Then we folded it and attached more heat and pressure. This created "metamorphic rock". At this point it looked ty-dye like marble and you could not see the original pieces. To make igneous rock we put the "rock" into the microwave to melt it into magma. Once it hardened it became the same color and was all crystallized (the sugar). 

There is a cycle for almost everything. This is a pattern because there are a lot of things that if they are used they will end up back where they started. There are cycles for water, carbon, rocks, phosphorus, sulfur, and plenty of other minerals. There are so many things that just go in endless cycles.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Weekly Blog (9/7/18) Scientific Method

Image result for scientific method
          The scientific method is a series of steps and a thought process that goes into finding a conclusion for a question. The first step is to identify a question/problem that you will answer. Next you do some research to see if anyone else has done anything similar. Then with that knowledge, you form a Hypothesis/educated guess of the outcome. Once you have a hypothesis you can start planning to test your experiment. Then you analyze the data that you collected and compare it to your hypothesis. After you have done all this you can share your results to those around you.

           I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I studied the scientific method. I found that almost everything follows the scientific method whether you consciously use it or not. For example, when you lose something you first say, "where is my phone?" Then you think about where you last saw it. Once you think you remember you construct a hypothesis, "I think I left it on the kitchen counter." Then you go to the kitchen counter and find it is not there. In this case you go around testing different places. If you did find it, you say, "I guess it was where I thought it was!" So then if you are very outgoing you post on some social media saying you found your phone and lost it. If you are a normal person, you make a note for future losses where it might be.

          I think the fact that we always use this no matter what is a pattern. Whenever we want to find something out or look for something, we always use the scientific method. From finding your keys to random curiosity. Humans have always used this and you use it many times a day with no idea you are. There are plenty of patterns like this in the world, some more common than others. There are most likely many we have yet to discover.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Weekly Blog (5/25/18) Neil deGrasse Tyson rap battle

If image does not work click here.
          Neil deGrasse Tyson is 59 years old and born on October, 5, 1958 in The Bronx, New York. In 2016  B.O.B. the rapper made a lot of tweets about flat earth and accusing NASA of lying. Then when B.O.B. posted a specific post with a picture of him on a hill with Manhattan 16 miles behinds him saying that if the earth was really round, how could you see Manhattan, Neil deGrasse Tyson responded in a short series of tweets saying
"Earth's curve indeed blocks 150 (not 170) ft of Manhattan. But most buildings in midtown are waaay taller than that."
"Polaris is gone by 1.5 deg S. Latitude. You've never been south of Earth's Equator, or if so, you've never looked up.".
When B.O.B. saw this he made a song talking about how much he must get paid by the government to say that. This song is called Flatline (explicit). Here's one line: "Aye, Neil Tyson need to loosen up his vest / They'll probably write that man one hell of a check." Naturally Neil  deGrasse Tyson asked his nephew to help him make a response. This song is called Flat to Fact (also explicit). So far, nothing more has come from this.  I got this information in an article from npr if you want to read more.
          This week I conducted investigations by finding out more information than I already knew about Neil deGrasse Tyson. In my previous blog I wrote everything I could think of but this week I had to find something else. So I looked on the npr website and sure enough; they had many articles and I chose the one about a rap battle because Neil deGrasse Tyson is a pretty cool guy and I though it might be interesting. It was. But now I know that if I ever need an interesting story or interview with him I can just look on npr.
          If you mess with Neil degrasse Tyson, he will mess with you worse. Just like Wendy's on twitter. This is cause and effect. There is really not that much more to it. Just stay away from messing with Neil deGrasse Tyson about science. He knows what he is talking about.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Weekly Blog (5/18/18) Neil deGrasse Tyson

Image result for neil degrasse tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a very famous astrophysicist. He has starred in multiple science related tv shows such as The Inexplicable Universe with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos, a Spacetime Odyssey. He has also written multiple books such as Space Chronicles, The Sky is Not the Limit, The Pluto Files, and Astrophysics for People in a Hurry.  He grew up going to public school in The Bronx, New York. Then he went to The Bronx High School of Science. After that he went to harvard and got a BA  in physics and a PhD at Columbia university in astrophysics. 

 I conducted investigations by looking up things about his life and finding the information I need for this assignment (aka being a stalker). After finding this information I have more respect for him because now I know that he grew up in The Bronx and how hard he worked to get where he is today. Now I am closer to mastery at finding information that I need for an assignment.

I think that the idea that no matter your beginning if you put your mind to something you can get it done, is cause and effect.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Project Blog (5/13/18) Disaster Proof housing

I'll give you the assignment pass tomorrow unless there is no blog due like schoolloop says.
Contradicting what the board and you said, that is why I am still posting this as to not have a zero.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Wac- Nuclear Energy Expansion

Expansion into Nuclear Energy

          Nuclear energy is a form of energy that is made in a Nuclear Power plant. The power plants work by making mini Nuclear explosions of uranium. This releases a lot of energy that heats up water so it turns into steam. The steam goes up into the turbines, creating electricity. Then the steam escapes like you might see right now. This process is very wasteful and dangerous. That is why scientists found a new, safer, less wasteful, different way. Now nuclear energy could be a very efficient and clean energy source that we should use a lot more of.
          Before we get into all this stuff about Nuclear energy and why it should be used, let me give you some background history. Atomic radiation was first discovered in 1895 and they knew that they could do something with this new discovery. But Nuclear fission was only discovered in 1938 by Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann. It was then developed fully by 1945. Most of the last 6 years or so were spend more on bombs though. Then the first nuclear power plant was completed in 1954 by USSR. But the first commercial electricity-generating plant that used nuclear energy was in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. It reached its full design power in 1957. Since then Nuclear has continued to get more and more advanced. Only recently did we realize how much damage we were doing with this technologie (like many other things). So scientist went hard at work to find a new way to create nuclear energy.
          This new process works with fusion instead of fission unlike the old process. The new nuclear power works the same way as the sun. Atoms fuse with each other creating large amounts of energy. This still comes with some by products like helium. But these don’t have as bad effects as what is left in fission. This method produces a lot more energy with a lot less waste.
          Modern nuclear energy is the most efficient way of making energy. But the old reactors are “like opening a water bottle, taking a sip, and throwing it out.” said in the video The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear power. But a women named Leslie Dewan found a way to fix it, explained in the previous paragraph. But these power plants will not begin construction until 2030-2050. But in the article, What’s next for nuclear? Gabriela Quirós said, “A recent EPA study shows that in order for the country to reduce its carbon emissions enough to slow down climate change, it will need to boost its nuclear energy production.” And who knows if it will be too late by 2030-2050?
         Some might say that nuclear power is very unstable and dangerous but in the same article they mentioned, “Proponents of nuclear energy say that the risks of an accident should be weighed against the health effects from burning fossil fuels. The American Lung Association estimates 13,000 people die in the United States each year from breathing soot particles from coal-fired power plants.” If you add that up, that is a lot more people than have ever died from Nuclear power. Also, these new power plants that they would build are made virtually impossible to have a meltdown.
         In conclusion, nuclear energy is clean, safe, and efficient. And people just found a way to make it even cleaner, safer, and more efficient. It is way safer than oil and coal burning. It is also cleaner by a long shot. Nuclear energy may have a bad name right now, but it is quickly earning back a great name. Nuclear energy is the energy of the future.

Citations: What's Next for Nuclear? by Gabriela Quirós. And The fight to rethink (and reinvent) Nuclear Power by Vox

Friday, April 20, 2018

Weekly Blog(4/20/2018)Nuclear power plants

Image result for fusion nuclear power   Summary
          Modern Nuclear power plants are powered by fission. Fission (shown below) is the process of taking an unstable uranium and shooting a neutron at it. Then the uranium atom splits releasing energy and more neutrons, etc. But this is very wasteful. They can only explode about 2% of the uranium fuel, leaving 98% to be buried underground for thousands of years. But there is another, new way, (shown on the left) that is the opposite reaction. This is called fusion. That is is how the sun works.

          I used evidence to defend my explanation. I answered the question "is Nuclear power the future?" providing the facts that it is a lot more space and cost efficient that every as evidence. Making these also provide jobs that boost the economy. When you here nuclear power plant, there is an almost certain chance you are thinking of the picture on the left. Did you know that 13,000 people die every year from fossil fuel burning and air pollution? That, added up is more people than have ever died from anything nuclear. From chernobyl to hiroshima. 
Image result for nuclear power plant
          I could use this technology to "take over the world" by spreading awareness of how amazing fusion is. Then people can sponsor the building of plants. Then a lot of places would build these power plants. This could stop or at least slow down global warming by a lot. That is how I would take over the world using that technology. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Weekly Blog(4/13/18)Climate Change

          Climate change is the increase and decrease in average temperature. There is a climate change happening right now. But the thing is that this is not a natural climate change like the other ones. This climate change is caused by humans and their carbon/methane emissions you've heard so much about. Carbon emissions are caused by oil refineries, gasoline burning, and factories. Methane (which is 7-10 times more potent) is caused by food waste.

          To demonstrate/model this process we used a lot of online simulators and models here: This brought me closer to master on this subject because it helped me understand what helps the environment and what harms it. I found out that we have to bring our carbon emissions down by 50% of 2010 emissions. Our temperature is rising rapidly. I personally doubt that we can lower our emissions that much. 

          The act of adding more carbon into the atmosphere, then getting hotter is cause and effect. This is because one thing happens, that another thing happens because of that. There are such things as positive feed back loops where one thing causes another, that causes the original thing again. An example of this is CO2 making it hotter. The more water evaporates, holding more heat in the atmosphere, etc. There is also another process that is happening. It gets hotter, more water evaporates, making clouds, making it cool off. These are just some examples of cause and effect in our climate.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Project Blog(3/30/18)Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl

Image result for popocatepetl and iztaccihuatl
In the myth, iztaccihuatl and popocatepetl are gods and lovers. Popocatepetl is an aztec warrior. Iztaccihuatl is a princess. One day she hears that he has been slain in battle and was so sad that she killed herself. When popocatepetl found out, he was very angry and turned into a volcano. She is now a mountain.

Before this project, I had no idea that these existed. Much less how to say them. THe process we went through to get this was that we originally madea 3d model of popocatepetl out of clay. But that was way too small and it looked nothing like that volcano in specific. So then we had to draw it out on a piece of poster paper. Then we colored it with water color and it is very pretty(in my opinion).

I really like how this project turned out and think that it is very pretty. I like how the colors make it look majestic. But I don't like that we couldn't have a 3d model like we would have had if we had more time. I found it frustrating when I told my group to make a cardboard frame so the volcano could be bigger. But they just made a tiny lump of clay in the shape of clay in the shape of a generic volcano. The reason I did not just do it was because they said they would because I was going to their house later for final touches because I could not make it early like everyone else.

We did our work differently because we we drew it instead of making a 3d model, I won't explain again. One thing I would like people  to notice is the water color we used on it and how it gave the mountain a majestic feel. I would give this project a B+ because it is not a 3d model like it was supposed to be. When my classmates look at it, they notice that it is a drawing. When someone looks at it I want them to nice that we will not give up because our 3d model didn't work so we had to try something else.

          If I would do this again, I would be there for the beginning stages. I would make a cardboard frame. Then cover it in paper mache. Then I would install a pvc pipe in the middle. Finally I would paint it like the beautiful popocatepetl volcano. Then I could explode it with baking soda. vinegar, and red food dye.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Weekly Blog (3/25/18) Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl

 Image result for popocatepetl
Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl and a pair of mountains in mexico. Iztaccihuatl is an active volcano and Iztaccihuatl is a flat mountain. The ancient myth behind these two is that Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl were gods and lovers. Then one day Princess Iztaccihuatl heard that Popocatepetl had died. So she killed herself. Then Popocatepetl found her dead body and was very enraged and blew up like the volcano he is today. To read more about this you can read this article:
I used models to demonstrate the explosion of Popocatepetl to. My group is building a volcano model popocatepetl. This helps me closer to mastery because now I understand more about building models.

In the myth, when someone dies you get angry. This is cause and effect. Also, when subduction occurs, it creates volcanoes. Another thing is that in ancient culture, if people don't understand something (like volcanoes) they make a myth explaining the story behind it. This can help people be less afraid because people are afraid of what they don't understand.

Friday, March 9, 2018

weekly blog(3/9/18)Plate tectonics.

Image result for plate tectonics
           Tectonic plates are the plates that cover the earth. The plates may feel stable, but they're in constant movement. These plates expand and contract on each other. First, when an continental plate meets an oceanic plate, the heavier oceanic plate sinks under the light continental plate and melts back into the mantle. This is subduction. Subduction creates pressure in the magma and that pressure is released in near by volcanoes. There are also many other things that can happen. When two continental crust collide it creates mountains. When two oceanic plates pull apart, it makes stuff like the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

          To demonstrate the plate tectonics we learned, we used; frosting, fruit roll ups, and gram crackers. The frosting was representing the mantle, the fruit roll ups where the thin, dense oceanic plates, and the graham crackers were the light continental crust. We demonstrated the making of ridges by putting the fruit roll ups on the "mantle" and spreading them apart. Then we showed subduction by putting the FRU (fruit roll up) next to the graham cracker and pushing them together so that the FRU was pushed under like subduction. Then we pushed two wet graham crackers together to make a mountain. And finally earthquakes. We simulated this by having two DRY graham crackers rub against each other.

          It is cause and effect when convection currents under the crust in the mantle cause the crust plates to move. When they move all these other things happen that I told you about. Some of these (like volcanoes) cause life to grow. Now we are using geothermal energy and harming the mantle. That's a different story.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Weekly blog(3/2/18) Layers of the earth

Image result for physical layers of the earth
          There are two different types of layers on the earth: The Compositional layers and the Physical layer (aka Mechanical layers). The compositional layers are composed of The crust, Mantle, and Core. The physical layers consist of  the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, and inner core. The compositional layers (in my opinion) are easier to remember and that is why we learn them first. But the Physical layers directly describe what that layer is like. 

           I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I took starburst and cut it up to simulate weathering. Then I took the "sediment" and squished it into sedimentary rock. Then I put it in a bag and added heat and pressure to make it like marble. From there I melted it. Then when it hardened it was like igneous rock. This was to simulate the rock cycle.

          I believe than it is cause and effect because plates turn and press and that creates earth quakes and mountains and fissures. Earthquakes can also cause volcanic eruptions because some earthquakes are caused by magma not tectonic plates, and those might cause volcanic eruptions.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Project Blog (2/16/18) Invasive Species

          In this project we chose to learn about an Invasive species or Endangered species. I chose to learn about an Invasive species. An invasive species is a species that was taken to a new place and then there was nothing to eat it so it's population exploded. These species are usualy dangerous to the natives. Sometimes these natives become endangered. Endangered species are when there are not many of that population left.
          Before this, all I knew about the Ice plant was that it is Invasive. I had no idea that the Ice plant was edible. I also have no idea that it was from south africa. I did not know that it could grow so fast. I learned that it was sometimes brought to stabilize railroads.

          I am very happy about this piece of work. I liked how we had the dioramas to show how the ice plant came. I also liked how we had a live specimen. I did not like how fragile the spinning part was. This because it was made out of legos.

          What I did differenty is that I did not make a digital model. My process was similar because I mosyly followed the rubric. I would give myself a B on the project. This is because I missed some minor points on the model. These included soem items on the checklist.

           What I would improve is not thinking I'm done before I am. This set me back and I almost did not cite my sources. When I look at the peice, I would like to improve upon how unstable the spinning mechanism was. I would look more closely at the rubric. This would help me with detail.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Weekly Blog (2/9/18) Ice Plant

Image result for Ice plant
          The Carpobrotus Edulis or more commonly known as the Ice plant (shown left) is very invasive to California. It grows very fast. It is mostly found in beaches, highway exit dirt islands, and around railroads. It was brought to America when people wanted to build quickly on beaches and railroads. The ice plants would stabilize the ground around the buildings and railroads. But now it has spread and become almost uncontrollable. It is edible to most animals, but they don't really like it's taste I guess. It is also perfectly edible for humans and the latin word Edulis (part of it's name) directly translates to eatable. 

Image result for Plants vs zombies ice plant
          I did lots of research about the plant and learned many things. Those things include; where the ice plant comes from, that it crowds out other plants, and that it is edible, etc. This shows how not all plants are necessarily good for the environment. I am also planning on trying to eat some of it because it is "eatable". I did a LOT of research to make sure that it is NOT dangerous for humans. I did not find any side effects of eating it but apparently it is best pickled.

          This impacts of  Ice plant in the Americas is Cause and Effect. This is because you plant it, it spreads rapidly and kills other plants. There are several special eradication programs to try and get rid of this awful plant such as the California Native Plant Society. When they do they're work, there are less horrible Ice plant in California. So hopefully we can one day get rid of ice plant (shown in first picture).

Friday, February 2, 2018

Weekly Blog (2/2/18) Symbiosis

Image result for symbiosis
          Symbiosis is when two different organisms interact with each other in a positive or negative way. There are different types of symbiosis. There is Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism (shown in picture) is when both organism benefit. Commensalism is when one organism benefits, and the other one doesn't care. Parasitism is when one organism benefits, and the other is harmed.

           I identified my variables and controls of an ecosystem, which were the number of predators and prey. To do this, we used a program. In the program we chose how many of each animal. This brought me closer to mastery because now I understand better how ecosystems are balanced. You have to have an amount of predators so that the prey does not over populate, but also so they are not over hunted.

            The relationship between animals is cause and effect. If there are two many predators the prey will die. If there are not enough predators, the prey overpopulates. Also, in mutualism, if one species is not there, the other suffers. In parasitism, if there is no animals to feed the parasites, the parasites die.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Project Blog (1/26/18) Biogeochemical Cycles

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          In the project we made cartoons based off biogeochemical cycles. There are a lot of biogeochemical cycles on earth. Water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, and sulfur cycle. Mine was the water cycle. It turns out that there are a lot of steps involved and it is not as simple as it seems.

          Before the project I thought I knew everything about the water cycle. But, there is a lot more to it. Instead of it just being; Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff, Evaporation, there is also transpiration and infiltration. I also did not know that there were more cycles; carbon, nitrogen, etc. There are so many of cycles that I did not know about.

            I really liked my finished product of the cartoon. I really liked that the drawings were clear and neat. I did not like how I started coloring in marker and later switched to colored pencil. But, I found a way to make it work (kind of). I did not like this because it looks kind of uneven. I found it satisfying coloring and seeing my drawing start to pop and look nice.

         My approach was different because cartoon was circular instead of linear. I did this because it demonstrates how cycles go in circles. My process was similar because I did research, then drew the cartoon. If I were the teacher, I would say that the arrows in the middle of the circle are confusing. I would give this piece an A- because it has everything it is supposed to have but, it is slightly confusing.

          If I were to do this again, I would know my supplies so that half of my coloring isn't in marker. Next time, my goal would be to review all the guidelines before I start on the final draft. I would also have a clear plan before my final draft. One thing I would like to try that other people did, is neater hand writing. It was not all easy to read in my finished product.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekly Blog(1/19/18)Water Cycle

Image result for water cycle

          The water cycle is way more complicated than just the usual 4 steps: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. It also includes, infiltration and transpiration. Infiltratration is the process when the ground absorbs water. Transpiration is the process that is when a tree loses water through it's leaves and is pretty much just evaporation from a plant. Infiltration and transpiration connect because when infiltration happens, the plant absorbs the water out of the soil, then the plant brings the water to the leaves where they perform photosynthesis or the water evaporates and this is called transpiration.
Image result for water cycle

          I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I made a cartoon of the water cycle (aka Hydrologic Cycle). This helped me understand this concept better because I had to do research, to find the information I needed.  I drew a cartoon  that  helped me visualize the process more. For condensation I drew my character (a water droplet with a face) in a cloud. For precipitation I drew him falling and it was scared.

          I realized that the water cycle has a lot of cause and effect because if nothing evaporates, then there will be no condensation. Then with there being no condensation that means no precipitation. The sun makes water evaporate, and as I just said, the water cycle can not happen if there is a missing step. If there was no water cycle, then nothing would be alive because the water cycle includes water going into the soil and going into plants. We then eat the plants etc. food chain. So without the water cycle then nothing would live because nothing could get the water they need to survive.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Weekly blog (1/11/18) Photosynthesis

Image result for photosynthesis

     Photosynthesis is the process of taking Carbon Dioxide, Water, and sunlight, and creating food for the plant. There are a lot of cycles like this in the environment. There is the Water cycle, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Sulfur cycle, and Phosphorus cycle. The cycles each have a time when they are biotic and a time when they are abiotic. Biotic means alive, and abiotic means not alive.

Image result for foxes and rabbits population simulator
     I used models to explain and predict behaviors of systems, or test a balance of animals as I question why you need foxes to keep rabbits alive if the foxes kill the rabbits? I was confused at first because how would foxes help the rabbits by killing them. As I learned more I found out that without foxes, the rabbits would overpopulate. That would make it so that food like grass was more scarce because it would eat all of the food supply. But there's foxes eating the rabbits, the rabbits will not overpopulate and eat all of the grass

     The idea that if there are not enough foxes, the rabbits would overpopulate is an example of Cause and Effect. This is because the rabbits (the primary consumers) eat grass and if there are too many of them they will run out of grass and start dying. But if there are foxes(the secondary consumers), then they would eat the rabbits before they overpopulated then everything is happy (except the rabbits that get killed). But if there are too many foxes, they would kill off the rabbits and then they have no food. So this is why there should be a good balance of producers, consumers, secondary consumers etc.